Ignacy Domeyko
Persons, originating from Poland

Ignacy Domeyko

Born: July 31, 1802 in Nesvizh, Imperial Russia (today: Belarus)
Died January 23, 1889 in Santiago de Chile
He was a 19th-century Chilean geologist, mineralogist and educator. He was born into a Polish-Lithuanian family and spent most of his life and died in his adopted country of Chile.

After a youth spent in partitioned Polish-Lithuanian lands, he participated in the November 1830 Uprising against the Russian Empire. Upon its suppression, he was forced into exile. He spent part of his life in France and eventually settled in Chile, of which he became a citizen and where he lived for some 50 years. Domeyko made major contributions to the study of Chilean geography, geology and mineralogy, and his commentary on the condition of impoverished miners and their wealthy exploiters had a profound influence on those that would go on to shape the labour movement in Chile.
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Polonica stamps:

Central Africa 2011, 27 XII
Chile 1954, 16 VIII
Chile 2002, 11 IV
Comoros 2009, 07 I